Seneca Farms Biochar and the Transformation of Wood Vinegar into pyGrow+™: A Novel Approach to Regenerative Agriculture
In the dynamic landscape of sustainable and innovative agricultural practices, Seneca Farms Biochar has taken a significant leap forward with the rebranding of its Wood Vinegar product as pyGrow+™. AgroShield recently had the opportunity to interview Taryn Draxler, the CEO of Seneca Farms Biochar, shedding light on the product, production process, markets, and diverse applications.
Origins of pyGrow+ ™
Taryn Draxler shared insights into the inception of pyGrow+™, stating, “Wood Vinegar was introduced as part of Seneca Farm’s product line when we first started operating the kiln three years ago.” Originally, we thought the product would be a herbicide, but during the testing phase of the kiln, we realized its unique properties for increasing seed germination rates and plant growth. After testing with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, Seneca Farms Biochar discovered that pyGrow+™ stood apart from conventional wood vinegars on the market. Unlike others, it contained none of the undesirable components such as small alcohols like methanol, tar, and unextracted bio oils. This differentiating result prompted the decision to rebrand it as pyGrow+™.
Seneca Farms Biochar’s Three-Stage Horizontal Bed Kiln
Unlike traditional kilns with a single off-stream of gases, their three-stage unit allows the separation of gases at different temperatures. Draxler elaborated on Seneca Farms’ revolutionary kiln:
“The first box which is a drying box and the second is the torrification box. We can draw the off-gases from those two boxes together or separately. These gases pass through condensers, and we collect pyGrow+™ directly from the condensers. The third box is where the process goes into pyrolysis, an exothermic reaction. Once this process is started, it'll maintain itself because of the heat that is put off by the pyrolysis of wood. These gases go into an afterburner; we use some of that for heat to continue heating the first two boxes and the rest to heat the building that we're in.”
This unique kiln stands in stark contrast to other wood vinegar processes where gases cannot be separated due to the uniform temperature maintained throughout the entire kiln.
Market Impact
For a low input cost, Seneca Farms Biochar believes that farmers in the agricultural market stand to generate more crops and revenue by adopting pyGrow+™. Draxler mentions, “We have 20% hunger insecurity in upstate New York. And with a very low-cost input, farmers can increase their yields significantly, particularly in row crops. And the farmer will get more money as a result of less expenditure on petrochemical fertilizers, and the product will be plentiful, and at a lower cost.” This not only benefits the farmers by boosting income but also ensures a plentiful supply of produce at a lower cost.
Diverse Applications
Apart from agriculture, pyGrow+™ can be applied in composting and landfills, offering an advantage in speeding up the decomposition process and decreasing odors. “For composting, it's a wonderful addition because it stimulates the bacteria that are normally in the soil, as well as all the microorganisms and fungal elements. This really gets the composting done much faster than current methods.”
By facilitating faster and more efficient composting while reducing unpleasant odors, pyGrow+™ presents itself as an attractive option for municipal waste management.
Looking Forward
Looking forward, Seneca Farms Biochar’s CEO Taryn Draxler expressed enthusiasm about their partnership with Agroshield by stating, “Very happy to be partnering with Agroshield. They've been very helpful and supportive. Jeff Randall is such a wonderful man. And I think we'll be seeing a significant increase in sales this spring as the farmers get ready to plant and prepare their fields.”
In conclusion, Seneca Farms Biochar's rebranding of wood vinegar into pyGrow+™ represents a groundbreaking innovation in the agricultural sector. With its unique production process, diverse applications, and potential to address food insecurity, pyGrow+™ aims to create a more sustainable and productive future in agriculture. Visit the AgroShield product page to shop for pyGrow+™ and the rest of the Seneca Farms Biochar product line. products/seneca-farms-biochar-products